Monday, March 18, 2013

Text Box: English 2: Writing in the Discipline
2013Sir Pol’s Term Paper Presentation
(SPTPP 2013)
Iligan City, 21 March, 2013
Dinosaurs Never Existed
Dareen Mae B. Bandola+ and Jonnamae L. Odtojan+

Mindanao State University—Iligan Institute of Technology

Abstract.The The world is dominated by different advancements in the world of science. One of them is the breakthrough in the discovery of the dinosaurs’ existence. This attracted the attention of every individual around the globe. But certain researches reported that the findings about dinosaurs are false and such creatures never really existed. This study aims to provide clarifications and reasons to prove that dinosaurs never really existed. The outcome of this study intends to clarify the qualms and queries about the existence of the dinosaurs. The paper then explains that dinosaurs do not have the characteristics of an animal that would probably live, that discoveries about these creatures are not yet proven to be true and that discoveries about dinosaurs are inaccurate and dubious.
Keywords: Dinosaur, Dinosaurs’ Body Structure, Dinosaurs’ Size, Dinosaurs’ Inexistence
1.     Introduction
      The world today is influenced by the different discoveries of science done by various scientists and other professionals exerting time and effort regarding the study in their own fields. These discoveries embarked in the mind set of each individual influencing their beliefs. Some of these discoveries are controversial and debatable. They did not have many evidences to prove and support the existence and truth behind them. But, the discoveries done by scientist or even by the most professional ones, does not guarantee us the credibility of their studies.
      Scientists and Palaeontologists keep on discovering new things. And for decades, they have found numerous discoveries that are until now have not proven them yet; there are also some discoveries that are not credible enough for us to believe. One of theme is the discovery of the Mighty Dinosaurs. There have been alleged findings that are believed to prove the existence of dinosaurs. According to Murdoch (2012), North America, Belgium, Mongolia, Tanzania, Germany, Russia contained the alleged fossils of dinosaurs. But this fossils found are not enough to prove that they are dinosaurs. Wozney (2010) stated that scientist did not conduct tests to prove them right. It has also been reported that “dinosaurs DNA being discovered preserved in amber turned out to be false.”
      The study points out the fact that dinosaurs are ceased to never exist. The existence of dinosaurs is just made up corporations or huge companies for huge profit and fame. The concept of prehistoric living dinosaurs has been only a fabrication during the nineteenth and twentieth century to pursue an evolutionary agenda. The study will answer the following questions:
1.      Is the dinosaurs’ body structure supports itself for survival?
2.      Does the body of the dinosaur well proportioned for it to move?
3.      Does the climate of the areas where the alleged fossils of these dinosaurs were found allow the creature to live?
The significance of this study is to provide enough evidences to prove that dinosaurs never really existed. This contradicts the statements told and stated by the researcher of the dinosaurs. This explains the query and doubts of the people regarding the hot and debatable issue of dinosaurs really existed or not. Anyone who will be able to read this study could clear their blurry minds about the existence of the dinosaurs especially the students and some others who are interested in studying dinosaurs’ existence.
2.     Questionable  displays of bones and fossils of the dinosaurs
                According to Brauer (2010), dinosaur is a “bunch of shattered bones held together by a couple of plaster sitting in a museum display”.¶4
            Many displays and drawings of dinosaurs appear to be an absurdity, showing a two-legged animal that would totally off balance, with the weight of head and abdomen much greater than the weight of tail, which is supposed to act as a counter-balance”, (Woozney, 2010, ¶5). T-rex for example, its head’s size measuring approximately 5 feet in length with massive skull bones (Col, 1996, ¶5).
            The bones being displayed at the museums could have been mistaken from bones of other animals like crocodiles and alligators in which their bones could grow huge enough to be assumed as dinosaur’s fossil (Cristian, 2009, ¶4). It is possible that the bones of those animals got bent into different shapes by the great weight of the dirt and rock above. They could have easily used a whale bone to construct a larger dinosaur (Harry, 2009, ¶4). “Dinosaurs discoveries are bones of various animals mixed and matched together to construct and create a new man-made concept of pre-historic animal called dinosaur” (Brauer, 2013).
            Bones found in certain areas must have undergone other suspicious actions like tampering and replacement of bones.
            Some dinosaurs bones on display have been artificially modified through sculpture and carving. Bone sculpture is not an unknown activity by humans. These dinosaur discoveries were made up and sponsored by major companies for fame and money purposes.
            Aside from the bones, there is also a report saying that a dinosaur’s DNA that has been preserved in amber turned out to be false. Nevertheless, there was no complete dinosaur’s skeleton found.
            All the bones gathered by paleontologists and scientists, being fossilized, are just bones of other animals such as crocodiles and alligators, which definitely grow big measuring up to 40-foot-long (12-meter-long) SuperCroc. (Dell’Amore, 2012).
3.     Incompatibility of Dinosaur’s body structure to live
                Dinosaurs’ skeletal features are not balance and compatible. The best example of that dinosaur is the Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as the T-rex. Its hand has been reduced into 4 and 5 digits, it has three large toes, it has a backbone connecting through its tail and it has a shoulder measuring 3 feet (1 meter) long. Having only two feet and three toes to support its 5-7 tonsbody, it definitely crushes its own feet. It is impossible for the T-rex to balance its body. There is also another species of dinosaur which its body structure is also incompatible. Antarctosaurus, also known as Giant Souther Titanosaur, measuring 20 feet tall, 59 feet in length and weighing 90 000 pounds. Antarctosaurus also has a very long neck measuring 20 feet in length (Wikipedia, 2013, ¶5). Try to imagine straws connecting each other, the longer it gets, the more it bends down because of the gravity. Another thing is, this species of dinosaurs is an herbivore, a plant eating animal, which is, it contradicts its own large body. Antarctosaurus is the largest and the biggest among the dinosaurs and if this animal only eats plants, it cannot supply all the nutrients it needs. Therefore, it can’t survive and live.
            There is also an article in which David Woozney (2010) discussed, “a method called bio-mechanical analysis indicates that the dinosaurs must have been agile, active creatures. But the idea of active animals does not agree with the study of structural dynamics of dinosaurs, which indicates that if the dinosaur moved fast, they would injure themselves. This is the paradox between the dinosaurs’ size and life style.”
4.     Unlikely to live the wide range of climate on dinosaurs’ discovery areas
                Paleontologist believed that dinosaurs are closely related to the class reptilian for they have almost the same characteristics. Thus, they are somehow considered to be under the same class (Bozeman, 2010, ¶3). In a study conducted by Arthur Cristian (2009), he discussed, “animals possessing the same characteristics with reptiles, such as dinosaurs, could not survive the below freezing temperature. Brain tissues must be kept at a temperature of about 100oF within a few degrees to remain electronically and chemically active. If not, the brain tissue ceases to function properly and coma and death would soon result.”(¶2). On another study, reptiles that have been introduced to colder weather suffer during winter season, so reptiles burrowed underground to preserve heat. Some of them are not able to burrow through the thick snow and ice. These animals lose their heat to support their internal organs thus they die (Kapian, 2013, ¶2). As an example to this is the Everglades National Park incident. “The cold weather snap, killed Iguanas and other reptiles. About half the Burmese Pythons found in the park…Dead Iguanas have dropped from trees onto patios across South Florida”(Fleshler & Huriash, 2010, ¶2).
            Dinosaurs, on the other hand, with their weight ranging from 100 to 1000 kg (220 to 2200 pounds), cannot be able to burrow underground. They cannot even run fast. Jeananda Col (1996) explained that, “most of the fossils of dinosaurs were located in North America countries like Mongolia, Russia and Northern part of Africa” (¶8). Countries mentioned are experiencing the below freezing point temperature almost all year round. Thus, it is impossible to believe that dinosaurs once existed? Animals like dinosaurs eventually falls asleep in cold temperature. And if the surrounding temperature falls to 70 degrees, these animals would not be able to wake up (Cristian, 2009, ¶3). It is because there is nothing in their body to help regulate their brains temperature during sleep. Unlike mammals, marsupials from flaming heat to frigid blizzard snowstorm and still survive (Kaplan, 2000, ¶3). Dinosaurs would not have a chance over that wide range of climate.
5.     Conclusion
5.1 Summary of Findings
The overall point of the term paper is all about the existence of the dinosaurs, which their existence is all lie and they never existed. These are the proofs that dinosaurs never existed: Credibility of the displays of bones and fossils of the dinosaurs are questionable, body structures of dinosaurs presented by paleontologists not agree with the study of structural dynamics of an animal in order to live over the wide range of the Earth’s climate.
5.2 Conclusion
            It has been concluded in this term paper, that dinosaurs never really existed; that the bones are just mere sculptures or just the combination of different animals and thought it was the fossil of a dinosaur or the worst, scientists and paleontologists just made up all these dinosaurs for fame and money. And to think that all the bones gathered are not complete and credible enough for s species to live.
6.     Acknowledgements
The authors extend their warmest gratitude to: Mr. Rabindranath S. Polito, the mentor, for allowing them to study a very interesting matter, for his undying support and guidance throughout the compilation of this paper, for his patience and constructive criticisms, for answering the endless questions of his students, and for keeping them motivated and gay all the way. The authors are also grateful for their respective classmates and friends for giving them enough confidence and motivation that they can make this paper successfully. Most importantly, to Almighty God, for his presence and silent guidance while the researchers strive to accomplish this paper, for his blessings and for giving them strength to handle the circumstances and difficulties in achieving the success of the paper.

7.     References
Bozeman, M.T. (2010, August 5).  News study finds that dinosaurs never existed. February 1, 2013, from

Brauer, Bernard. (2010, November 2). Dinosaur Never Existed. Dinosaur Deception. February 1, 2013, from

Col, Jeananda. (1996). T-rex Fact Sheet. March 1, 2013, from

Cristian, Arthur. (2009, January 3).  The Dinosaur Dilemma and Modern Science. February 4, 2013, from

Cristian, Arthur. (2010, September 14). Dinosaur DECEPTION! Dinosaur Never Existed! Dinosaur Fossils are a HOAX. February 1, 2013, from
Dell’Amore, Christine. (2012, May 8). Biggest Crocodile Found. March 9, 2013, from

Fleshler, D. & Huriash, L. (2010, February 11). Cold snap kills many pythons in Everglades. March 8, 2013, from
Harry. (2007, February 12). Dinosaurs Didn’t Exist. February 1, 2013, from
Kaplan, Malissa. (2000). Hypothermia on Iguanas and Other Reptiles. March 13, 2013, from
Murdoch, Cindy. (2012, August 9). A plausible theory that dinosaurs never existed. February 1, 2013, from
Wozney, David. (2012, November 2). Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction. February 1, 2013, from

+Dareen Mae B. Bandola. Tel.:(+639475948905)
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+Jonnamae L. Odtojan. Tel.:(+639127298438)
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